Sadri Hamid (English)

Sadri Hamid arrived in Finland at the beginning of the 1920s and kept a shop to support his family. In his free time he published the popular magazine Ak Yol / Ak Yul and wrote and published dozens of articles and books in Tatar.

Sadri Hamid (suomeksi)

Sadri Hamid tuli Suomeen 1920-luvun alkupuolella ja elätti perheensä kauppiaana. Vapaa-aikanaan hän toimitti suosittua Ak Yol / Ak Yul-lehteä sekä kirjoitti ja julkaisi kymmeniä artikkeleita ja kirjoja tataariksi.


“Sauna” – what is a sauna? We do not even need to write about that, because it is in the sauna where one sweats with or without whisking, and as we all very well know – the place where we bathe ourselves.